miércoles, 15 de enero de 2014

Basic learning

Hello again! :D

As everybody knows, the best way to learn something is to start at the beginning. That's why in today's post I will talk about some of the first practices we did to be taking ease in the audiovisual world. First, we learned the basics of using professional video cameras as DVCpro or P2.

 When we learned to manage it with little more fluently, we learned how to set up basic lighting for interviews, etc. Also we learned a little bit about sound. 

It was a very interesting practices in which we all acquire the basis for all projects. In following posts, I will show you. 

See you in the next post! Have a nice day! :)


jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013

Let´s make a small presentation :)

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog! :D. 

My name is Clara Sanchez de Salas, I am a Spanish student of Audiovisual and Shows Production at the Puerta Bonita Institute of Carabanchel , Madrid. In this blog I'll upload some of my work as a producer and I will tell how it is being this experience.

As this first entry is a presentation, I make a small summary of my work and projects.
In the last two years I have learned many things that have been reflected in different projects :
- Microtheatre entitled 'Europe is a Circus'
- Cultural Days with industry professionals
- Numerous lighting, microphones and cameras practices
- Recording different radio programs
- Stage play on ' The War of the Worlds '
- Recording nonviolence documentaries and interviews with students from Leonardo DaVinci Institute of Madrid
- Production of television programs on different topics with the name ' CarabanShow '
- Production of many different shows

... AND MORE!.

In this blog I'll be posting photos of all these projects and I will explain my role in each of them.

I also take to include the address of my other blog: http://chiarittamio.blogspot.com.es/
In it I explain and teach (this time in Spanish ) how to make your own clothes.

Thank you very much, and Have a nice day :DDD.

                                                                          Clara S. de Salas